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WHERE WILL THE LIGHTS BE? Our goal is to light as much of St Elmo as possible! We recommend buying enough lights to space them every 10 ft or so in front of your house. We will also have lights along Virginia Ave.


WHERE WILL THE STROLL BE? We'll be posting a map of neighborhood events happening the night of the stroll. Many events will be along the Virginia Ave Greenway between 55th and 44th St. A few things to get excited for... performances by musicians, carols from local churches, games from Outdoor Chattanooga, an appearance by the red-suited man himself and more!


I WANT TO BUY KITS FOR A PARK OR CHURCH. CAN I?  Sure! Just click the link here and choose to purchase lanterns for the Greenway.


WHAT ABOUT THE BLOCK PARTY? One of the goals of the celebration is to bring together our St Elmo community. There will be music, food trucks, local vendors and a raffle.


HOW CAN I HELP? Make sure your neighbors know about the event and encourage them to light up your block! We also need volunteers - especially for the day of the event.


Please let me know if you have questions... we're excited to plan this for our whole community and appreciate your feedback and participation!

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